范道庆 | 博士 | 副教授 | 硕士生导师 | ||
科 室: | 药物分析教研室 | ||||
办公电话: | dqfan93@163.com | 邮箱: | fdq9688@ouc.edu.cn | ||
联系地址: | 青岛市鱼山路5号,必赢网址bwi437海洋馆235 | ||||
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研究方向: |
3. 基于DNA纳米技术的智能生物传感器 4. 纳米酶催化及其药物分析和生物应用 | ||||
个人简介 |
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2013年考入中科院长春应化所电分析化学国家重点实验室硕博连读,师从汪尔康(中科院院士)和董绍俊(TWAS,第三世界科学院院士)研究员,主要从事基于分子逻辑器件和DNA纳米技术的生化传感和药物分析新方法、纳米酶催化及其药物分析和生物应用等方面的研究,在疾病标志物、药物、生物活性分子等靶标的光学和电化学检测方面积累了丰富的研究经验。2019年~2020年,于以色列耶路撒冷希伯来大学ItamarWillner教授(以/德/欧科学院院士,中科院外籍院士)课题组进行博士后研究。 2021年3月作为独立PI加入必赢网址bwi437开展研究工作,先后入选必赢网址bwi437“青年英才工程”,必赢网址bwi437“优秀青年科技人才培育计划”等,山东省优秀青年科学基金获得者。迄今在Advanced Science, ACS Nano, Materials Horizons (2), Chemical Science (4),AnalyticalChemistry, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Advanced Materials, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Nano Research, Chemical Communications等著名杂志发表SCI论文30余篇,其中第一/共同第一作者和通讯作者论文20篇,IF>10的11篇,被引1200余次。据Google Scholar统计,当前H指数22。曾获“中国科学院院长优秀奖”等荣誉称号。 本课题组仪器设备完善,经费充足,科研氛围融洽。欢迎分析化学、药学、生命科学等专业的同学加入。 | |||||
教育背景 |
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2013年~2018年 | 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所 | 分析化学(硕博连读) | 博士 | ||
2009年~2013年 | 山东师范大学 | 化学 | 学士 | ||
工作经历 |
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2021.3~至今 | 必赢网址bwi437 必赢 | 副教授 |
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2019年~2020年 | 以色列耶路撒冷希伯来大学 | 博士后 |
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学术兼职 |
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中国化学会会员,教育部本科学位论文评审专家,担任Chemical Science, Nucleic Acids Research, Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Communications等杂志审稿人和客座编辑。 | |||||
研究概况 |
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利用功能性核酸的多元化性质和DNA纳米技术,以氧化石墨烯、DNA纳米簇等多功能的纳米材料和荧光、比色染料等组成的复合体系作为独特的光学信号源,设计了一系列低成本高效的DNA智能逻辑器件和生物传感器。此外,在国际上率先创新性的提出了DNA“相反逻辑对”的概念,显著推动了分子逻辑运算体系的发展。这些DNA逻辑器件不仅在生物分子信息处理中扮演着重要角色,而且为基于布尔逻辑运算的智能生物传感器、药物分析检测新器件的构筑打下了坚实的基础。 | |||||
代表性成果 | |||||
代表性论文 |
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1. Jiawen Han#, Juan Wang#, Jun Wang,DaoqingFan,*Shaojun Dong*, Recent advancements in coralyne (COR)-based biosensors: Basic principles,various strategies and future perspectives. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2022,210, 114343.(IF=12.545,一区TOP) (被微信学术公众号 奇物论和 分析人 相继报道) 2. DaoqingFan,*JunWang, Jiawen Han, Erkang Wang and Shaojun Dong*, Engineering DNA Logic Systems with Non-canonical DNA-nanostructures: Basic principles, Recent Developments and Bio-applications. Science China Chemistry, 2022, 65: 284–297.(IF=10.138,一区TOP) ------Before OUC 3. Daoqing Fan, Juan Wang, Erkang Wang* and Shaojun Dong*, Propelling DNA Computing with Materials’ Power: Recent Advancements in Innovative DNA Logic Computing Systems and Smart Bio-Applications. Advanced Science, 2020, 2001766.(IF=17.521,一区TOP) (被微信学术公众号AdvancedScienceNews 和 材料人 相继报道) https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/aGCOcTt6502dIXVlSksPIA,AdvancedScienceNews. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/pMgOKfMcAJ8vmgBVvishLQ, 材料人。 4. ZhixinZhou,#Daoqing Fan,# and ItamarWillner*, Modeling Gene Expression Instability by Programmed and Switchable Polymerization/Nicking DNA Nanomachineries. ACS Nano., 2020, 14, 5046-5052. (co-first author, IF=18.027) 5. Daoqing Fan, Erkang Wang* and Shaojun Dong*, Upconversion chameleon driven DNA computing: the DNA-unlocked inner-filter-effect (DU-IFE) for operating a multicolor upconversion luminescent DNA logic library and Its biosensing application. Materials Horizons, 2019, 6, 375-384.(IF=15.717,一区TOP)(入选该杂志Biosensors专辑) 6. Daoqing Fan, Erkang Wang and Shaojun Dong*, An intelligent universal system yields double results with half the effort for engineering a DNA ‘‘Contrary Logic Pairs’’ library and various DNA combinatorial logic circuits. Materials Horizons, 2017, 4, 924-931.(IF=15.717,一区TOP) 7. Daoqing Fan, QingfengZhai, Weijun Zhou, Xiaoqing Zhu, Erkang Wang and Shaojun Dong*, A label-free colorimetric aptasensor for simple, sensitive and selective detection of Pt (II) based on platinum (II)-oligonucleotide coordination induced gold nanoparticles aggregation. Biosensors& Bioelectronics, 2016, 85, 771-776.(IF=12.545,一区TOP) 8. QingfengZhai,#Daoqing Fan,#Xiaowei Zhang, Jing Li* and Erkang Wang*, Dual-electrochromic bipolar electrode-based universal platform for the construction of various visual advanced logic devices. NPG Asia Materials,2017, 9, e421. (co-first author, IF=10.761) 9. Daoqing Fan, Juan Wang, Erkang Wang* and Shaojun Dong*, Janus-inspired Amphichromatic System that Kills Two Birds with One Stone for Operating a “DNA Janus Logic Pair” (DJLP) Library. Chemical Science, 2019, 10, 7290-7298.(IF=9.969,RSC化学旗舰刊,一区TOP) 10. Daoqing Fan, Yongchao Fan, Erkang Wang and Shaojun Dong*, A simple, label-free, electrochemical DNA parity generator/checker for error detection during data transmission based on “aptamer-nanoclaw”-modulated protein steric hindrance. Chemical Science, 2018, 9, 6981-6987.(IF=9.969,RSC化学旗舰刊,一区TOP) 11. Daoqing Fan, Erkang Wang and Shaojun Dong*, A DNA-based parity generator/checker for error detection through data transmission with visual readout and an output-correction function. Chemical Science, 2017, 8, 1888-1895.(IF=9.969,RSC化学旗舰刊,一区TOP) 12. Daoqing Fan,Kun Wang, Jinbo Zhu, Yong Xia, Yanchao Han, Yaqing Liu*, Erkang Wang*, DNA-based visual majority logic gate with one-vote veto function. Chemical Science, 2015,6, 1973-1978. (IF=9.969,RSC化学旗舰刊,一区TOP) 13. Daoqing Fan, Changshuai Shang, Wenling Gu, Erkang Wang and Shaojun Dong*, Introducing ratiometric fluorescence to MnO2 nanosheet-based biosensing: a simple, label-free ratiometric fluorescent sensor programmed by cascade logic circuit for ultrasensitive GSH detection. ACS Applied Materials& Interfaces, 2017, 9, 25870-25877.(IF=10.383,TOP)(被引130余次) 14. Daoqing Fan, Erkang Wang and Shaojun Dong*, Exploiting polydopamine nanospheres to DNA computing: a simple, enzyme-free and G‑quadruplex-free DNA parity generator/checker for error detection during data transmission. ACSApplied Materials& Interfaces, 2017, 9, 1322-1330.(IF=10.383,TOP) 15. Daoqing Fan, Erkang Wang and Shaojun Dong*, Simple, fast, label-free, and nanoquencher-free system for operating multivalued DNA logic gates using polythymine templated CuNPs as signal reporters, Nano Research, 2017, 10 (8): 2560-2569.(IF=10.269,一区TOP) 16. Daoqing Fan, Xiaoqing Zhu, QingfengZhai, Erkang Wang, and Shaojun Dong*, Polydopamine nanotubes as an effective fluorescent quencher for highly sensitive and selective detection of biomolecules assisted with Exonuclease III amplification. Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88, 9158−9165.(IF=8.008,一区TOP) 17. Daoqing Fan, Jinbo Zhu, Yaqing Liu, Erkang Wang and Shaojun Dong, Label-free and enzyme-free platform for the construction of advanced DNA logic devices based on the assembly of graphene oxide and DNA-templated AgNCs. Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 3834-3840.(IF=8.307) 18. Daoqing Fan, Jinbo Zhu, QingfengZhai, Erkang Wang and Shaojun Dong, Cascade DNA logic device programmed ratiometric DNA analysis and logic devices based on a fluorescent dual-signal probe of a G-quadruplex DNAzyme. Chemical Communications, 2016, 52, 3766-3769. (IF=6.065) 19. Daoqing Fan, Changtong Wu, Kun Wang, Xiaoxiao Gu, Yaqing Liu and Erkang Wang, A polydopamine nanosphere based highly sensitive and selective aptamer cytosensor with enzyme amplification. Chemical Communications, 2016, 52, 406-409. (IF=6.065) 20. Daoqing Fan#, Xiaoqing Zhu#, Shaojun Dong, and Erkang Wang*, Tyramine hydrochloride-based label-free system for operating various DNA logic gates and a DNA caliper for base number measurements. ChemPhysChem,2017, 18, 1767-1772.(邀稿,IF=3.52) 出版著作 Daoqing Fan, Erkang Wang and Shaojun Dong, DNA‐ and RNA‐Based Computing Systems, Wiley, 2020. (邀稿,Invited Book Chapter) | |||||
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