朱伟明 | 博士 | 教授 | 博士生导师 | |
科 室: | 天然药物化学研究室 | |||
办公电话: | 0532-82031268 | 电子邮箱: | weimingzhu@ouc.edu.cn | |
联系地址: | 山东省青岛市鱼山路5号必赢网址bwi437海洋馆105(邮编266003) | |||
研究方向: | 1. 特境微生物来源的含氮与卤代化合物的发现与优化 2. 微生物来源药物先导物的成药性研究 3. 海洋微生物的化学共生关系研究 | |||
个人简介 |
主要从事海洋等特境来源的微生物药物化学研究,聚焦含氮和卤代新药先导物的发现与优化。主持承担973、863、NSFC、国家“重大新药创制”科技重大专项等国家级研究课题26项,形成了“微生物—天然产物—候选药物”研究体系。构建了海洋微生物菌株库、代谢产物和化合物库,从海洋等特境微生物的发酵产物中发现新化合物600余个(其中7个为NPR热点化合物),一些化合物表现较好的成药前景。在JACS、OL、JNP、MarDrugs等学刊上发表SCI论文180篇,在《微生物学报》、《菌物学报》等核心期刊上发表研究论文83篇;在《大学化学》等杂志上发表教学研究论文9篇;主编教参1部、参编论著6部;申请发明专利36件(授权14件)。H-指数36(researchGate)。 | ||||
教育背景 |
天然产物化学 | 博士 | |||
1985.09~1988.07 | 武汉大学化学系(现化学与分子科学学院) | 金属有机化学 | 硕士 | |
武汉大学化学系(现化学与分子科学学院) | 金属有机化学 | 学士 | ||
工作经历 |
2003.12~今 | 必赢网址bwi437 必赢 | 教授 | ||
中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 | 有机合成化学 | 博士后 | ||
云南师范大学 化学系(现化学化工学院) | 有机化学 | 助教、教师、副教授、教授 | ||
学术兼职 |
中国菌物学会菌物化学专业委员会副主任委员、山东省药学会中药和天然产物专业委员会副主任委员、中国海洋湖沼学会微生物海洋学分会常务理事、中国药学会海洋药物专业委员会委员、中国微生物学会海洋微生物专业委员会委员、中国海洋生物化学与分子生物学分会理事,《中国抗生素杂志》、《中国海洋药物》杂志编委。 | ||||
荣誉奖励 |
2015 Marine Drugs Best Paper Award 2015;2014山东省优秀博士论文指导奖;2010必赢网址bwi437第十二届“天泰优秀人才奖”一等奖;2007必赢网址bwi437第九届“天泰优秀人才奖”一等奖;2006第九届中国药学会施维雅青年药物化学奖;1993云南省首届高校青年教师课堂教学比赛省级一等奖;1989云南省省级国家机关“先进讲师团成员”。 | ||||
承担课程 |
海洋天然产物研究进展(博士生课程) 天然药物化学(本科生课程) | ||||
研究进展 |
形成了“微生物—天然产物—候选药物”研究体系,构建了海洋微生物菌株库、代谢产物和化合物库,发现一批海洋微生物活性新天然产物,一些化合物表现较好的成药前景,正在进行系统的结构优化与成药性研究(包括先导物的衍生物合成、体内外抗癌活性与毒性、药物代谢动力学、分子机制与分子靶点以及药物对肠道微生物的影响)。 | ||||
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代表性成果 | ||||
代表性论文 |
1. Jingjing Shen, Yaqin Fan, Guoliang Zhu, Hao Chen, Weiming Zhu,* Peng Fu.* Polycyclic macrolactams generated via intramolecular Diels–Alder reactions from an antarctic Streptomyces species. Org. Lett. 2019, online. doi.org/10.1021/acs.orglett.9b01710. 2. Yaqin Fan, Yi Wang, Peng Fu*, ArthitChairoungdua, PawineePiyachaturawat, Weiming Zhu*. Secopaxilline A, an indole-diterpenoid derivative from an aciduric Penicillium fungus, its identification and semisynthesis.Org. Chem. Front. 2018, 5(19): 2835–2839. 3. Yuqi Du, Jian Sun, Qianhong Gong, Yi Wang, Peng Fu,*Weiming Zhu*.New α‑pyridones with quorum-sensing inhibitory activity from diversity-enhanced extracts of a Streptomyces sp. derived from marine algae.J Agric Food Chem 2018, 66(8): 1807–1812. 4. Xia Li, Hongguang Ma, Lin Li, Yifan Chen, Xiao Sun, Zizheng Dong, Jing-Yuan Liu, WeimingZhu,* Jian-Ting Zhang.* Novel synthetic bisindolylmaleimide alkaloids inhibit STAT3 activation by binding to the SH2 domain and suppress breast xenograft tumor growth. Oncogene 2018, 37(18): 2469–2480. 5. Tonghan Zhu, Zhenyu Lu, Jie Fan, Liping Wang, Guoliang Zhu, Yi Wang, Xia Li, Kui Hong, PawineePiyachaturawat, ArthitChairoungdua, WeimingZhu.*Ophiobolins from the mangrove fungus Aspergillus ustus.J Nat Prod 2018, 81(1): 2–9. 6. Miaomiao Wang, Shuyao Wang, Wei Wang*, Yi Wang, Hui Wang, Weiming Zhu*. Inhibition effects of novel polyketide compound PPQ-B against influenza A virus replication by interfering with the cellular EGFR pathway. Antiviral Research2017, 143: 74–84. 7. Cong Wang, Lei Guo, Jiejie Hao, Liping Wang, Weiming Zhu*. α-Glucosidase inhibitors from the marine-derived fungus Aspergillus flavipes HN4-13.J Nat Prod2016, 79(11):2977-2981. 8. Zhengbo Chen, Jiejie Hao, Liping Wang, Yi Wang*, Fandong Kong, Weiming Zhu*. New α-glucosidase inhibitors from marine algae-derived Streptomycessp. OUCMDZ-3434.Sci Rep 2016, 6: 20004. 9. Liping Wang, Xiangui Mei, Cong Wang, Weiming Zhu*. Biomimetic semi-synthesis of fradcarbazole A and its analogues. Tetrahedron2015, 71(42): 7990–7997. 10. Peng Fu, Yiguang Zhu, Xiangui Mei, Yi Wang, Haijian Jia, Changsheng Zhang*, Weiming Zhu*. Acyclic congeners from Actinoalloteichuscyanogriseus provide insights into cyclic bipyridine glycoside formation. Org Lett 2014, 16(16): 4264–4267. 11. Peng Fu,Fandong Kong,Xia Li, Yi Wang,and Weiming Zhu*. Cyanogramide with a new spiro[indolinone-pyrroloimidazole] skeleton from Actinoalloteichuscyanogriseus. Org Lett2014, 16(14): 3708–3711. 12. Fandong Kong, Yi Wang, Peipei Liu, Tianhan Dong, and Weiming Zhu*, Thiodiketopiperazines from the marine-derived fungus Phoma sp. OUCMDZ-1847. J NatProd2014, 77 (1): 132–137. 13. Yiguang Zhu Qingbo Zhang, Sumei Li, Qinheng Lin, Peng Fu, Guangtao Zhang, Haibo Zhang, Rong Shi, Weiming Zhu*, and Changsheng Zhang*, Insights into caerulomycin a biosynthesis: a two-component monooxygenase Crmh-catalyzed oxime formation. J Am Chem Soc2013, 135(50), 18750–18753. 14. Liping Wang, Weiming Zhu*, Versicolactones A and B: total synthesis and structure revision. TetrahedronLett2013, 54(49), 6729–6731. 15. Yaqin Fan, Yi Wang, Peipei Liu, Peng Fu, Tonghan Zhu, Wei Wang, and Weiming Zhu*, Indole-diterpenoids with anti-H1N1 activity from the aciduric fungus Penicillium camembertiOUCMDZ-1492. J Nat Prod 2013, 76(7): 1328–1336. 16. Peng Fu, Yibin Zhuang, Yi Wang, Peipei Liu, Xin Qi, Kangbo Gu, Daojing Zhang,Weiming Zhu*, New indolocarbazoles from a mutant strain of the marine-derived actinomycete Streptomycesfradiae 007M135. Org Lett 2012, 14(24): 6194–6197. 17. Peng Fu, Chunli Yang, Yi Wang, Peipei Liu, Yiming Ma, Lei Xu, MingboSu, Kui Hong*, Weiming Zhu*, Streptocarbazoles A and B, two novel indolocarbazoles from the marine-derived actinomycete strain Streptomyces sp. FMA.Org Lett2012, 14(9): 2422–2425. 18. Peng Fu,Peipei Liu,Xia Li,Yi Wang,Shuxia Wang,Kui Hong,Weiming Zhu*, Cyclic bipyridine glycosides from the marine-derived actinomyceteActinoalloteichuscyanogriseus WH1-2216-6, Org Lett 2011, 13(22): 5948–5951. 19. Hui Wang,Yi Wang,Wei Wang, Peng Fu,Peipei Liu,Weiming Zhu*, Anti-influenza virus polyketides from the acid-tolerant fungus Penicillium purpurogenum JS03-21, J Nat Prod 2011, 74(9): 2014–2018. 21. Yibin Zhuang, Xiancun Teng, Yi Wang, Peipei Liu, Guoqiang Li, and Weiming Zhu*. New quinazolinone alkaloids within rare amino acid residue from coral-associated fungus, Aspergillus versicolor LCJ-5-4, Org Lett2011, 13(5): 1130–1133. 22. Jinkai Zheng, Zhihong Xu, Yi Wang, Kui Hong, Peipei Liu, and Weiming Zhu*, Cyclic tripeptides from the halotolerant fungus Aspergillus sclerotiorumPT06-1, J Nat Prod 2010, 73(6): 1133–1137. 23. Jinkai Zheng, Huajie Zhu,Kui Hong,Yi Wang,Peipei Liu,Xin Wang,Xiaoping Peng,Weiming Zhu*, Novel cyclic hexapeptides from marine-derived fungus, Aspergillus sclerotiorum PT06-1, Org Lett 2009, 11 (22): 5262–5265. 24. Hongwen Tao, Xiaojiang Hao, Jinggen Liu, Jian Ding, Yuchun Fang, Qianqun Gu and Weiming Zhu*, Resin glycoside constituents of Ipomoea pes-caprae (Beach Morning Glory), J Nat Prod 2008, 71 (12): 1998– 2003. 25. Lin Du, Tianjiao Zhu, Yuchun Fang, Qianqun Gu*, andWeiming Zhu*, Unusual C25 steroid isomers with bicyclo[4.4.1]A/B rings from a volcano ash-derived fungus Penicillium citrinum, J Nat Prod 2008, 71 (8): 1343–1351. 26. Zhi Hong Xin, Yuchun Fang, Lin Du, Tianjiao Zhu, Lin Duan, Juan Chen, Qian-QunGu,* and Wei-Ming Zhu*, Aurantiomides A-C, quinazoline alkaloids from the sponge-derived fungus Penicillium aurantiogriseumSP0-19, J Nat Prod 2007, 70 (5): 853–855. 27. Li Chen, Yuchun Fang,Xiaodong Luo,Hongping He,Tianjiao Zhu, Hongbing Liu, QianqunGu,*Weiming Zhu,*Sulfated alkenes from the echinus Temnopleurushardwickii,J Nat Prod 2006, 69 (12): 1787–1789. 28. Weizhong Liu, Qianqun Gu*, Weiming Zhu*, Chengbin Cui, Guotao Fan, Tianjiao Zhu, Hongbing Liu, Yuchun Fang, Penicillones A and B, two novel polyketides with tricyclo [,8] undecane skeleton, from a marine-derived fungus Penicilliumterrestre. Tetrahedron Lett2005, 46 (30): 4993–4996. | ||||
出版著作 |
1. 《Symbiotic Microbiomes of Coral Reefs Sponges and Corals》,Springer,2019,参编,学术专著 2. 《2016-2017化学学科发展报告》,中国科学技术出版社,2018,参编,中国科协学科发展研究系列报告 3. 《海洋天然产物与药物研究开发》,科学出版社,2016,参编,学术专著 4. 《海洋药物导论》(第二版),上海科学技术出版社,2012,参编,教学参考书 5. 《中华海洋本草》之《海洋药源微生物》,上海科学技术出版社,2009,参编,学术专著 6. 《中华海洋本草》之《海洋矿物药与海洋植物药》,上海科学技术出版社,2009,参编,学术专著 7. 《中华海洋本草》之《海洋无脊椎动物药》,上海科学技术出版社,2009,参编,学术专著 8. 《中华海洋本草》之《海洋脊索动物药》,上海科学技术出版社,2009,参编,学术专著 9. 《有机化学学习技巧》,云南科技出版社,1995, 主编,教学参考书 | ||||
专利 |
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项目课题 | ||||
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